Sports and Club Coverage and Group Portrait Policy
Organizations Who Buy Color Pages or Color Photos
-Due to the high cost of color printing, the yearbook must sell color sections to clubs and organizations that want to be in color in the book, and due to the fact that the sections must be turned in by November all color must be ordered by September 15 (but not paid for until March 1).
-The Senior class must buy at least one entire signature (16 pages) if they want color portraits, due to the number of portraits involved. Extra color pages in that section will be used only for additional senior class coverage.
-Clubs and organizations may buy a minimum of two pages of color, additional two page spreads are available. Color group photos can also be purchased in the special section. Color photos can be bought on a per photo charge.
-Color section design will be made by Jacket staff members only. Purchasing a color layout does not entitle the buyer editorial or design privileges. It does, however, guarantee coverage of your group in the book. It does guarantee only color photos will be used on those pages. And it does guarantee a specific photo size will be used for color layouts. [All COLOR group photos will be set at a standard size based on the size of the group.] This is to ensure that there can be no charges of favoritism of one group over another.
-Group and officer photos will be placed on separate pages from the color spreads. Current design theory and contest judging suggests that the dominant elements should be candid (action) photos of students actively engaged in their chosen event.
-If there is not enough interest in color sections, then all color page money will be returned and those clubs will be included in the black & white section.
-Clubs that have not paid their bill by the beginning of the fifth six weeks will receive a final notice to pay, or be reported to the school bookkeeper and the principal.
-Each club/organization/sport will be contacted and scheduled for a group photo appointment. If a group misses their appointment, they must provide the yearbook with a current group photo (photos showing previous year's club or organization events will be refused) or they will not be included in the yearbook.
-Clubs and organizations should provide the yearbook with a minimum of ten days notice of their events or provide the yearbook with photos of their events. (This however, does not guarantee that we will cover these events or publish the pictures in the book.)
-The Jacket staff reserves the right to determine the coverage and design of every layout in the book, including purchased color sections. This yearbook is the product of the student staff members, they will be taking it to contest and they cannot allow for layout or coverage to be decided by others - just as other organization's leaders would not expect any interference with their coaching or advising.
-Each club/organization/sport that does not purchase color will be given a standard size black and white group picture in the book wherever space and budget permits.
-Coverage of B/W groups will be as space permits. The Jacket staff will try to cover every club/organization/sport, but space will be given to those groups who are most visible and who host and participate in campus events.
-Beginning in 2003-04 School year the Jacket will no longer take separate "officer shots" for groups unless that group buys a separate color officer shot photo. We will place the officers in the front of the group photos and label them as officers (by position) in the caption.
Club / Sports Team Policy & Coverage
-The Jacket staff will make every effort to include every club, organization and sports team at GPHS, but they must also make an effort to work within the deadlines of our production schedule and our budget.
-Each sports team must send the Jacket a complete schedule (listing game opponents, sites, times, etc.) as soon as it is available, and as complete a schedule as possible should be sent to the Jacket staff a minimum of two weeks before the start of the season. This is to ensure photo coverage of the sports events. Coaches that do not send a schedule cannot expect coverage of their sport.
-Sub Varsity sports (freshmen, sophomore and JV) will be given space to place their team photos with the varsity sport, but as space does not allow for it - there will not be any action photos of sub varsity sports.
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